Freqently asked IEP Questions

How often should my child have an IEP Meeting?

At a minimum, your child should have an IEP meeting at least once per school year.

Do I have to attend the IEP Meeting?

As a parent/guardian you can grant the rest of the IEP team permission to have the meeting without you. This should be done in writing (typically after the meeting invitation is sent home). You can choose to attend the meeting via phone or video (this still counts as attendance). If you have a scheduling conflict with the date(s) proposed by the IEP team, you can propose additional dates.

Note- if you do not attend the meeting, you should receive a copy of the IEP. We highly recommend attending the IEP Meeting.

How many goals should my child have on their IEP?

An IEP is individualized. There is not a general answer of 10 goals or 15 goals, as some goals have objectives and some do not. Focus on the quality of goals, rather than the quantity.

I don’t know where to start. What’s a good starting point?

You should receive a copy of your parental rights from your child’s educational provider. This document can serve as a good starting point for resource access and education. If you have not received one, we recommend contacting your child’s teacher or the LEA (Local Education Agency). Your LEA may be an admin at your child’s school.

Download our Annual IEP Guide. It provides actionable steps and also areas to plan for the application of goals outside of school

I want additional services at home. Where do I start?

We recommend a few things:

  • Speaking to your pediatrician or PCP. Most times, they have a network of professionals they can refer you to for additional services. For example, they may refer you to a Child Psychologist or a Speech-Language Pathologist for further evaluation.

  • Contacting your insurance company (they are a good start for covered services and providers). Most times to receive additional services, your child will need an evaluation. Particularly for ABA (Applied Behavior Analytic) services, psychology reports must be within 3 years.

  • Contact parent liaison at your child’s school. They may be able to connect you to community resources and/or other parents.