Introduction to Effective IEP

Hey hey! 

Thank you for coming! This is our first blog. Most blogs should follow the format: BLOG TOPIC | ACTUAL BLOG | ACTION ITEM

Effective IEP Mission- IEP Support to help you child grow and learn at home and school.

Our purpose is to be a resource to parents. The information provided can be a resource to many professionals and community members, but our primary audience is family/parents. Here’s the professional mojo:

With a focus on improving quality of life across families, we empower parents/guardians with practical tools as they review, develop, and monitor the implementation of IEPs (Individualized Education Program).

In simple terms: IEP Support to help your child grow and learn at school and at home

About Effective IEP Blogs:

  • Efficient- Resource. We will try our best to keep blogs short and sweet as we know, time is your most valuable asset. While this blog will be a reflection of our experience, we will provide additional resources as well. Unless noted in the individual blog, links are not affiliates. Please do your own due diligence.

  • Take what you need. Every blog post may not apply and that is ok. Life is about individuality and the application of information as needed.

  • Not all blogs will be about IEPs. We chose to highlight IEPs because it is a big part of a child’s life (some span ages 3-21). As you read above, improving the quality of life of the entire family is very important to us. We will talk about things outside what may be written in an IEP. Some topics for the future will include:

    • Learner Autonomy

    • What is an IEP?

    • IEP Meetings

    • IEP Goals

    • Preparing for your IEP

    • Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP)

    • Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA)

    • Accommodations

    • Modifications

  • Check out our FAQs

  • Please do not share any personal information on the site. See our disclaimer, privacy policy & terms, and conditions.

Effective IEP Company Values- Quality of Life, Integrity, Community, Life-long Learning, Responsibility

Effective IEP Products

Annual IEP Guide: Over 30 actions items to implement before, during, and after your IEP Meeting. Includes IEP Facts and most common abbreviations.

Advocacy & Accountability Companion: Keep track of the vital information in your IEP in ONE place with this easy-to-use resource.

Effective IEP Services

General IEP Consult: Q&A on IEP process | Personalized Q&A for your learner| Actionable feedback

IEP Audit: Kick-off Phone call | Draft of parental concerns |Review of current and previous IEP | Outline of areas of improvement |Review and revision of current IEP | Goals Wrap up video conference | Copy of Annual IEP Guide | Assess + Collaborate + Integrate framework

PS-  Leave us a line below with topics you would like to see on the blog. Please remember not to share any personal information. 

PPS- Would you believe me if I told you this was drafted over 4 months ago? See- This is a no-judgment zone :)

Note: While a member of our staff is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst®, our services are NOT behavior-analytic in nature. In compliance with BACB® Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts: These interventions are not behavioral in nature and are not covered by their BACB® certification. Descriptions of our service offerings are here

Until next time, 

EI (Effective IEP)


What Parents Need to Know About Learner Autonomy