🌞Blog Series: Fun, Structure, and Preparation

Effective IEP Summer Blog Series: Fun and Structure. IEP Support to Help your Chlld Learn & Grow  at Home & School

Welcome back to our summer blog series focused on maximizing your child's summer break while supporting their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). As we continue our journey through the summer break, we want to share some valuable tips to make the most of this time. Summer should be a balance of fun and preparation, allowing your child to enjoy their break while also ensuring they stay engaged and prepared for the upcoming school year.  

In today's blog, we'll explore different ways to have fun while incorporating structured activities, the importance of maintaining a schedule, reviewing the previous progress report, and preparing for the next school year. Let's dive in and make this summer memorable!

Table of Contents

  1. Have fun: Balancing learning & playing

  2. Incorporate Schedule: Finding balance and empowering your child

  3. Review last progress report: Setting summer goals

  4. Prepare for next year: Reflect and plan ahead

Have fun: Balancing learning & playing

Yes, we found it necessary to include this! Summer break is the perfect opportunity for your child to have fun and explore new experiences. And yes, you can have structured fun. How? Follow your child's interests. Try new things! You may have to talk your child through changes or potential challenges (ex. a loud area) but you can use this as an opportunity to practice coping skills. When introducing new skills or activities that may have been challenging in the past, don’t forget to review coping strategies. You want to prepare your child for the event (as much as possible) so that they can reach back into their toolbox. 

Academic skills can also be practiced in enjoyable ways. Get creative with writing activities using sidewalk chalk, shaving cream, play-doh, or puffy paint. Take advantage of settings to incorporate numbers and counting into everyday experiences, such as counting pushes on the swing or identifying the colors of objects at the park.

Incorporate Schedule: Finding balance and empowering your child

While summer is a time for relaxation, incorporating a schedule can provide a sense of structure for both you and your child. Involve your child in the process of creating the schedule, giving them a sense of ownership and empowerment. The order of tasks may not be as important as following the schedule itself. By including your child in the decision-making process, you can foster a sense of responsibility and routine. Remember, you are the facilitator, and they are the ones shaping their own routine.

Review last progress report: Setting summer goals

Take the time to review your child's end-of-year progress report and select 1-3 goals to focus on during the summer. Maintaining skills is just as important as teaching new ones. If your child is attending summer school, collaborate with their teachers to find ways you can support their goals at home. By staying aligned with their educational journey, you can ensure a smooth transition into the next school year. Keep a note or document on your phone where you can add thoughts and reflections throughout the summer. This will help you gather your ideas and thoughts for future parent-teacher conferences.

Prepare for next year: Reflect and plan ahead

Reflect on the previous school year and identify areas where you may have wanted things to happen differently. Create a note or document to jot down your thoughts and ideas. Use this as a reference for future discussions with teachers and to guide your planning for the upcoming school year. Continuously add and review as the summer progresses, ensuring you are prepared to address any concerns or goals effectively.

Making summer memorable and purposeful

By implementing these strategies during summer break, you can create a supportive environment that fosters your child's growth, development, and IEP success. Summer break is a time of joy and relaxation, but it's also an opportunity to continue learning and preparing for the future. By embracing fun activities, maintaining a schedule, reviewing progress reports, and planning for the next year, you can make this summer both enjoyable and productive for your child. Remember to enjoy the journey and make lasting memories while preparing your child for the next school year. Stay tuned for more valuable insights and tips in our ongoing blog series.

 We invite you to share your favorite summer tip or activity with us in the comments below. Let's inspire and support one another as we navigate this summer break together!

Until next time,



🌞Blog Series: Schedule 101- Creating Structure and Flexibility for a Harmonious Summer Break


Summer Blog Series Kick Off: Community