IEP Rickiesha March IEP Rickiesha March

🌞Blog Series: Fun, Structure, and Preparation

Discover effective strategies to make the most of your summer break while supporting your child's Individualized Education Plan(IEP). Learn how to balance fun activities, incorporate schedules, review progress reports, and prepare for a successful upcoming school year.

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IEP Rickiesha March IEP Rickiesha March

Summer Blog Series Kick Off: Community

Learn about the values of Effective IEP, the significance of finding or creating communities, and the resources available to enhance your journey. Join us in embracing the power of togetherness, building networks of empowerment, and making a positive impact on the lives of families advocating for their children's education.

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IEP Rickiesha March IEP Rickiesha March

What Every Parent Should Know About FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) was put into place in 1974 as a way for schools and families alike to protect student data from unauthorized access and misuse. By giving parents control over who can view their children's educational records and preventing schools from releasing confidential data without explicit consent from either parent or student (if over 18), FERPA is an important tool in keeping our kids safe while still allowing them access to a quality education.

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